CUSTOM ROM Uhans Max 2 #HomTom S9 Plus PortRom# by Feligres (NAT)

@Feligres, The firmware is good, but why did you remove the face id? In the market play in the application clash royale there is no button to try, although you wrote that there is. The front camera fuse does not work.

Hola @vovo255

El flash de la cámara frontal no funciona.
Es el bug que ha quedado pendiente de solucionar, ya que la cámara al principio no funcionaba (ni delantera ni trasera). Ahora la cámara funciona bien, pero el flash de la cámara delantera es lo único que no funciona.

En cuanto al reconocimiento facial (facial id), el HomTom S9 Plus no tiene:
HOMTOM Smartphones | Waterproof And Low End Smartphones
Solo lector de huellas.

Y para que funcione la opción de probar aplicación del Play Store, le tienes que dar permiso desde la opción de Ajustes del Play Store:
"Utilizar aplicaciones sin tener que instalarlas" y seleccionar tu cuenta de Gmail.


Hello @vovo255

The flash of the front camera does not work.
It is the bug that has been pending to solve, since the camera at the beginning did not work (neither front nor back). Now the camera works fine, but the flash from the front camera is the only thing that does not work.

As for facial recognition (facial id), the HomTom S9 Plus does not have:
HOMTOM Smartphones | Waterproof And Low End Smartphones
Only fingerprint.

And for the option to test the Play Store application to work, you have to give it permission from the Play Store Settings option:
"Use applications without having to install them" and select your Gmail account.

@Feligres ¿Puedes darme la fuente, por favor? Quiero agregar un controlador para un adaptador wifi externo.
[DOUBLEPOST=1525166600][/DOUBLEPOST]@Feligres I do not have such a setting in the play store
[DOUBLEPOST=1525166704][/DOUBLEPOST]@Feligres When I press the try button, the browser opens, not the application
@Feligres ¿Puedes darme la fuente, por favor? Quiero agregar un controlador para un adaptador wifi externo.
[DOUBLEPOST=1525166600][/DOUBLEPOST]@Feligres I do not have such a setting in the play store
[DOUBLEPOST=1525166704][/DOUBLEPOST]@Feligres When I press the try button, the browser opens, not the application

Un segundo, y te lo enseño...


A second and I'll show you
@Feligres ¿Puedes darme la fuente, por favor? Quiero agregar un controlador para un adaptador wifi externo.
[DOUBLEPOST=1525170783][/DOUBLEPOST]@Feligres Please give me the sources of the firmware
La fuente es la rom original del HomTom S9 Plus. Puedes coger el system.img de mi rom y hacer los cambios que quieras, siempre citando la fuente.

He puesto mi smartphone en ingles para enseñarte las capturas de pantalla


The source is the original rom of the HomTom S9 Plus. You can take the system.img of my rom and make the changes you want, always quoting the source.

I have put my smartphone in English to show you the screenshots:


It works for me.

If you see that it does not work for you, with an app type Link2Sd, delete Google Play services for Instant Apps, what is in user applications
and try again the whole process.

@Feligres Click the try button and you will not get anything done.

Yo nunca habia utilizado esa opción de probar las apps.
He visto varias de esas apps y las abre en el navegador.
Esa opción de Google no sé exactamente como funciona.
Quizá no funcione correctamente porque si te fijas, al final de todo en Ajustes pone que no es un dispositivo certificado.


I had never used that option to test the apps.
I have seen several of these apps and open them in the browser.
That option of Google I do not know exactly how it works.
Maybe it does not work properly because if you notice, at the end of everything in Settings it is not a certified device.
@Feligres you can add the driver to the firmware?
[DOUBLEPOST=1525175092][/DOUBLEPOST]@Feligres Adapter TP-LINK TL-WN722N on the AR9271 chipset

Lo siento, amigo. Yo no sé como añadir un driver a una rom que ya esta compilada.
Que yo conozca, eso se tiene que realizar antes de compilar una rom, lleva todos los drivers compilados de fábrica y no permite añadir drivers si no tienes el código original. Yo no tengo el código original. Yo trabajo sobre el system.img para realizar los PortsRoms.
Por eso hay ocasiones que los bugs de una rom al realizar un PortRom no es posible solucionarlos.


I'm sorry friend. I do not know how to add a driver to a rom that is already compiled.
That I know, that has to be done before compiling a rom, it has all the drivers compiled from the factory and it does not allow adding drivers if you do not have the original code. I do not have the original code. I work on the system.img to perform the PortsRoms.
That's why there are times when the bugs of a rom when performing a PortRom can not be solved.
@Feligres how do you pack the system.img?

Hola @vovo255
Utilizo este programa:
ALL NEW! Tool Unpack Repack system.img For Windows v3
La V2-Update es la que uso sobre Win7. Creo que sobre Win10 da problemas.


Hello @vovo255
I use this program:
ALL NEW! Tool Unpack Repack system.img For Windows v3
The V2-Update is the one I use over Win7. I think about Win10 it gives problems.

You are bratezvova in 4pda?

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