TUTORIAL Chuwi Hi10 Air: Guía de instalación de Linux


Oneplus 5T
Cooperamos con @Myself5 para llevar linux a Chuwi Hi10 Air, lo hacemos lo suficientemente poderoso como para realizar cualquier tarea avanzada, nos permite usar Window Managers más ligeros y, por lo tanto, más recursos para las tareas reales, lo que resulta en un mejor rendimiento. Ahora vamos a ver como hacerlo:

Instalar Linux

Necesitas instalar Linux en la tableta al principio. Eso significa que borrará su instalación interna de Windows, así que asegúrate de hacer una copia de seguridad, o al menos familiarícese con cómo reinstalar Windows en caso de que sea necesario.

Tenga en cuenta que NO puede instalar Linux en una tarjeta SD porque el BIOS no puede iniciarse desde la tarjeta SD.

Copia de seguridad

Puede encontrar Chuwi Hi10 Air Windows drivers aquí:
Y una guía aquí:

[Tutorial] The Instruction to flash Windows 10 for CHUWI Hi10 - Tutorial - ChuWi Forum - Forum.chuwi.com


A continuación, es hora de elegir tu distribución de Linux.
Recomiendo cualquier cosa que esté basada en Arch Linux y que use LightDM o lxdm, porque eso es lo que mi guía usará para configurar ciertas características. pero eres libre de elegir lo que quieras.

Eso significa que podría, por ejemplo, usar Antergos, una distribución basada en ArchLinux que incluye Desktop managers (para Antergos, recomiendo XFCE), o instale ArchLinux desde cero y use lxdm con LXQt.

Podrá encontrar las guías sobre cómo instalar con una búsqueda rápida en Google, así que no voy a hablar mucho más en detalle aquí.

Para entrar en el menú de boot, necesita presionar F7.

Después de la instalación, la mayoría de las cosas ya están funcionando.

Chuwi Hi10 Air Esta en Oferta Flash SOLO POR 179.34 EUROS, AHORRAS 15%

Fixing Remaining Issues
Out of the box, there are a few issues and things that do not work because they are missing drivers or similar.

Automatic Rotation
We're getting started with the most important which is rotation.

As you'll need to enter a couple commands to get automatic rotation working, start off with manually rotating the screen by opening a terminal and run the command

xrandr -o left

Note: xrandr is part of xorg-xrandr, and you will need that package for autoration to work.

There are a couple solution on how to rotate the screen out there, however I decided to go for the one with least overhead that looked the cleanest to me.

First of all, compile the 2in1screen binary. The sourcecode can be found on my GitHub. Download, compile it and push it to /usr/local/bin.

Note: Make sure to install xorg-xrandr and xorg-xinput for this tool to work.

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Myself5/Chuwi_Hi10_Air_Linux/master/2in1screen.c
gcc -O2 -o 2in1screen 2in1screen.c
sudo mv 2in1screen /usr/local/bin/
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/2in1screen

Now configure the Desktop Manager to start it after login.

LXDE: add

/usr/local/bin/2in1screen &



LightDM: Place the screenrotate.sh in /etc/lightdm/screenrotate.sh and set





display-setup-script /etc/lightdm/screenrotate.sh

pkill -9 2in1screen
/usr/bin/2in1screen &

Reboot and make sure everything works as desired.

The Hi10 Airs Silead touchscreen requires drivers that are not bundled with a Linux install. You can download them here: https://github.com/onitake/gsl-firmw...firmware/linux
See the Readme on how to install them.

These drivers get loaded by the Linux kernel. I submitted a commit to add support for the Hi10 Air to the Linux Kernel and it has been approved, however the commit will only make it into into Linux 5.1. that means until then you need to use a custom Kernel. I'm trying to keep an up-to-date one on my server here: index - powered by h5ai v0.29.0 (https://larsjung.de/h5ai/)
Make sure to download the kernel (linux-chewbacca) as well as the corresponding headers (linux-chewbacca-headers).

Initially you can install it, remove the default kernel and update your grub entries (the last part is important).

sudo pacman -R linux linux-headers
sudo pacman -U linux-chewbacca*version*.tar linux-chewbacca-headers*version*.tar
sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

Every followup update can be done by only executing the install part:

sudo pacman -U linux-chewbacca*version*.tar linux-chewbacca-headers*version*.tar

Once Linux 5.1 is released you can go back to the official kernel by running:

sudo pacman -R linux-chewbacca linux-chewbacca-headers
sudo pacman -Syu linux linux-headers
sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

Now reboot and enjoy your touchscreen.

If your Audio isn't working, make sure to update the alsa-lib to Version 1.1.7 or above. On Arch that package is in the stable repos so a
sudo pacman -Syu
will be enough.

Install blueman and follow the firmware instructions mentioned here:

Which means you need to clone lwfinger/rtl8723bs_bt
and run

sudo cp rtlbt_fw /usr/lib/firmware/rtl_bt/rtl8723bs_fw.bin
sudo cp rtlbt_config /usr/lib/firmware/rtl_bt/rtl8723bs_config.bin
cd /usr/lib/firmware/rtl_bt
sudo ln -s rtl8723bs_config.bin rtl8723bs_config-OBDA8723.bin

General UI
Now, you probably already noticed, everything is a bit small to use your Fingers.

As a browser I recommend Google Chrome as that has a great touchscreen UI already.

For File browsing and reading I suggest using nautilus and evince because of their touch friendlyness.

System DPI
For the whole system, there is a few things you can improve:
First of all, increase the general DPI.
You can do so by adding

Xft.dpi: 150



. If the file doesn't exist, create it.

LXQt Tweaks
Next up a few additional tweaks for LXQt:
First of all increase the Panel bar
Rightclick on the Panel and Press "Configure Panel". Then set the Size to 50px and the Icon Size to 30px.

Next up, Go to the Menu -> Preferences -> LXQt settings -> Appearance -> Font and set the DPI to 96
and finally go to Menu -> Preferences -> LXQt settings -> OpenBox Settings -> Font and increase the individual fonts to get a window title bar to drag/drop as well as hit the navigation with the finger. I set mine to Cantarell 16 and Cantarell 14.

Install OnBoard
Another Handy feature I found myself in need of was an onscreen keyboard. For that I installed OnBoard, and found a very neat feature here: Bug #1232107 “Onboard should support a keyboard shortcut for sho...” : Bugs : Onboard

You can map a button to open/close the keyboard.
I set mine to Super L, which equals the left Windows button and the touch button on the tablet itself.

In the LXQt Settings Menu you can configure Shortcut Keys.
Create or edit the existing shortcut and either map the following DBus Call.

DBus Call:




If your Desktop environment doesn't support DBus calls, use the following command:

dbus-send --type=method_call --dest=org.onboard.Onboard /org/onboard/Onboard/Keyboard org.onboard.Onboard.Keyboard.ToggleVisible

Fuente: xda-developers
Chuwi Hi10 Air Flash deal @amazon.it

El enlace: https://www.amazon.it/dp/B07JBJ229Y
El precio: 210,99 euros.
El descuento del precio: 179,34 €.
El descuento es del 15%.
Tiempo de funcionamiento: 3 de junio de 2019 10:50 AM MEST - 3 de junio de 2019 10:50 PM MEST


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