ROM OFICIAL Flyme OS (Global)


HxC Sound
Diamante en bruto El que sabe sabe
Poco X3 NFC
Antes de continuar, es bueno aclarar que ni el foro ni yo nos hacemos responsables por cualquier fallo que se pueda presentar al usar este firmware. Recuerden hacer una copia de seguridad antes de cualquier procedimiento, leer cuidadosamente las instrucciones y usar bajo riesgo propio.

Parece que la gente de Meizu esta haciendo las cosas bien en cuanto a soporte se refiere, lanzando actualizaciones para sus modelos. Se trata de Flyme OS con la siguiente lista de cambios:

System Upgrade

New: Night upgrade mode.

Phone Guardian
Added: power-hungry applications prompt, easily caught sneaking backstage application.
New: wake-cut 2.0, mutual wake between intelligent prohibit unnecessary applications, effectively increasing fluency.
NEW: lock screen interception access control.
Added: extreme power saving mode, lock screen displays remaining charge increase.
Fix: Use phone has traffic, but the phone housekeeper remaining traffic will not be updated until a value is displayed.

Set up
New: increase in phone settings in “Call flash remind” switch.
New: Add Flyme classic mode, the setting - open the double switch freely Flyme classic layout mode - Accessibility.
Optimization: on your phone to adjust the visual service records.
FIX: auxiliary functions can not be called up properly gesture wake wake up application.

Added: Dedicated Internet Telephony.
Optimization: hang up the call interface to let go when the response.
Optimization: When the card is not in the long-term process of search network cause serious power.
FIX: When you will be prompted to delete the group grouping "Group name already exists’ cause can not be deleted.
FIX: Call History List screen, click on “unlimited free calls to play, click experience now!”, You can not enter the open telephone network interface.
Fix: Even now unknown number can not answer incoming calls, you can save it as a normal human contact calls.

File Management
Added: locked area editing “New Folder”, “moving” and “rename”.
New: Locking mobile notification bar area and bomb box displays the progress and stop the movement function.
Optimization: File management - Image - file image to view all logic.
Optimization: Optimization of locked area upgrade strategy.
Fix: Move the file to the device, the top bar does not display the path to the disk storage.
Fix: file management into the locked area even now flash back.
Fix: Open the document within OTG U disk, the file does not exist.

Lock screen
NEW: lock screen notification bar at the top to modify from the drop-down.
Optimization: music lock screen interface effects.
Optimization: charging animation lock screen left whole.

Optimization: Third Party App calling camera experience.
Optimization: Modify photographs sound resources.
Optimization: Optimization of processing temperature recording mode, modify the temperature limit prompt.
Fix: manually set the exposure after taking, again return to invalidation.
FIX: sporadic open grid line function is not in effect.
FIX: Turn the camera even now “OK” exception alerts, cause the camera can not be used.
FIX: Under camera mode interface, enter the Task Manager, the camera icon displays an unusual size.
FIX: When setting the exposure long after the first press the camera shutter timing, the second time you press the shutter, the length of exposure calculation and display settings such as long term overlap.
FIX: Switching gif mode switch back to automatic mode, you can view photos encryption.

Added: New video sharing.
New: Star voting.
New: Selection revision, minutes “positive” and “Others”, positive / Highlights a button to easily switch.
New: Domestic services (OTO) to get through the new.
Optimization: video playback power performance.

Optimization: Stock refresh rate.
Fix: Gallery album full management option is not selected or all operations, then click OK, the flash gallery to return the desktop.
FIX: When you set a specific photo Click Wallpaper gallery flash back problems.
FIX: New Album Album Cloud upload photos, there is always a failure due to network failure Upload.

Status Bar
Optimization: Immersive status bar effect.
Optimization: charging animation lock screen left whole problem.
Optimization: Screenshot Screenshot notice after notice to the floating display.
FIX: Do Not Disturb icon status bar is too small.
FIX: Status Bar download speeds of more than 2M / s, the speed of the drop-down notification bar displays 0K / s.

Optimization: handwriting input, the first word of the default input directly into the edit box.
Optimization: Lenovo Pinyin under state, click “,” on-screen logical question “0” key “.”.

Optimization: Modify lock screen clock UI.

Find your phone
Repair: I Find the phone occasionally unable to resolve the problem of address information.

FIX: typhoon warning title multitasking background displayed as air quality.

FIX: Calendar subscriptions in the English Premier League Manchester City Team logo error.

Cloud Sync
FIX: cloud sync status bar icon shows excessive.

NOTA: Esta actualización viene lista para ser instalada de la manera tradicional ( en los móviles que NO tienen todavía el bootloader desbloqueado.

Enlace para descargar

He leído a compañeros que se les ha instalado ok, y otros que les ha saltado error en google alguien la instala que comente.
Es el móvil de mi novia y para las pruebas tengo el mío....jejeje, con el suyo si funciona no toco nada hasta que no esté seguro que ok.

A ver los más valientes.
No he tenido tiempo de probar, en cuanto lo haga reviso el tema del Play Store.

Última edición:
A mi desde OTA me salta firmware corrupto intentando instalar la versión A. Intentaré descargarmelo vía web a ver que tal..

ACabo de ver que vía web solo salen las versiones GL. QueE puedo hacer? Pasar de A a G?
*Exactamente lo mismo con la versión G. Firmware corrupto
Última edición:
A mi desde OTA me salta firmware corrupto intentando instalar la versión A. Intentaré descargarmelo vía web a ver que tal..

ACabo de ver que vía web solo salen las versiones GL. QueE puedo hacer? Pasar de A a G?
*Exactamente lo mismo con la versión G. Firmware corrupto
Te acabo de responder en el otro hilo PROBLEMA - Firmware Corrupt


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